Currently the service of Alguazas Teleasitencia has 57 users and all they will receive information on how to deal with extreme temperatures to avoid heat stroke, fainting and complications in their diseases
The Telecare service of Alguazas has launched a Plan of Action against the extreme summer temperatures.
The purpose of this Plan is to establish performance measures that, from the municipal Teleassistance Alguazas City Council, will be made to prevent, minimize and deal with the effects on the health of service users can lead to high temperatures .
These measures will apply to the 57 people who receive this service in Alguazas, but pay particular attention to the 9 people of the municipality, by age or illness, are points system as risk 1 and risk 2.
Among the measures to be conducting some are aimed at prevention.
To this end the Telecare service users receive a brochure with recommendations to prevent or reduce the impact of temperature extremes on health.
They were also informed by phone if there is a risk of high temperatures in the coming days.
The Telecare service of Alguazas special will follow the 9 people in the municipality who are at risk 1 and risk 2.
These are people over 80 who live alone and without so, having undergone an emergency as a result of extreme temperatures.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas