These financial aids are intended to guarantee sufficient income to individuals and families who have been left without them as a result of COVID-19. The Government of Spain has generated extraordinary credits in the amount of € 300,000,000 to address the social needs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.These credits have been generated in order to guarantee and reinforce the Basic Benefits of the Social Services of the municipalities to carry out urgent and extraordinary measures that are exclusively intended to face extraordinary situations derived from COVID-19.The destination of the credits, defined in article 1 of RDL 8/2020, have been identified on the basis of the “Report on the situation of the Social Services of Primary Care in the context of a state of alarm by COVID-19” and from the Coordination of the Territorial Plan of Emergencies of the Region of Murcia.The Alguazas City Council, through its Social Services, is beginning to manage the credit of € 72,804 that it will receive from the Government of Spain.
This Extraordinary Social Fund is exclusively intended for the social consequences of COVID-19.These financial aids are intended to guarantee sufficient income to people and families who have been left without them as a result of COVID-19, in order to ensure the coverage of their basic needs.
The credits are intended for:- Direct financial support to families with difficulties affected by COVID, attention to large and single-parent families.- Emergency aid to meet basic needs caused by COVID: financial aid for the purchase of food, follow-up milk, medicines, payment of essential basic receipts and personal support.- Home support measures: Home help for the most vulnerable people, isolated people or people with detected social segregation and the disabled.If, as a consequence of the situation generated by COVID-19, you lack income that ensures the coverage of your basic needs, PLEASE CONTACT the Social Services of this City Council.
In the words of Ana Gómez Egea, Councilor for Social Services and Public Health of the Alguazas City Council, "we work with the aim of guaranteeing care for the most vulnerable people in the municipality."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas