| They consist of the placement of 3 transverse drainage concrete frames at different points located between the two stations | These works are included in a comprehensive action with works to repair the platform, embankments, track, drainage systems and facilities, damaged during the floods of last September The works are carried out at night and do not imply restrictions on rail traffic Adif continues with the repair and improvement works of the railway infrastructure of the section between the stations of Hellín (Albacete) and Alguazas-Molina (Murcia), located on the line that connects Chinchilla with Murcia and Cartagena. Once the action phase corresponding to urgent measures carried out at different points of the line due to the floods of last September, the works are currently focused on the Hellín-Alguazas-Molina section and consist of the following: Placement of 3 precast concrete frames of approximate dimensions of 2 x 1.5 m, intended for transverse drainage to improve the permeability of the track platform.
A frame will be placed on the pk.
360/025, located on the Hellín-Agramón route, and two others on the pk.
432/540 and 436/380, located between Blanca-Abarán and Alguazas-Molina. Cleaning, restitution, opening and expansion of existing longitudinal and transverse drainage works in order to expand drainage capacity. Placement of piers attached to the slopes of the railway platform to protect it against the circulation of water. These improvement works are part of the works at various points on the line, which involve actions both in infrastructure (embankments and drainage works) and in the superstructure (road, and signaling, security and communications facilities) and their corresponding adaptation in anticipation of risks derived from future inclement weather. The actions are carried out at night by the maintenance band so as not to cause disturbances in rail traffic.
Source: Adif