The Councilor for Education, Naira Sánchez, meets with the management teams of the educational centers of the municipality to coordinate the return to school in September.Today the meeting of the Department of Education took place with the representatives of the management teams of the CES VEGA MEDIA, IES VILLA DE ALGUAZAS AND THE CEIP MONTE ANAOR AND NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN.In this meeting, the Councilor for Education, Naira Sánchez, has transmitted the commitment of the government team to maintain the hygiene and prevention measures received from the Ministry of CARM that ensure compliance with the prevention protocol of COVID, as well as those needs and proposals that the centers have raised to carry out before the start of the school year.The councilor will meet throughout the next month with the different management teams and on August 31 they will have a group meeting where all the final decisions and measures will be reflected.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas