The Greenway of the Northwest as it passes through Alguazas already looks more leafy thanks to the planting of trees that users of ASSIDO - Association for people with Down Syndrome, of ABAMUR and of several local associations have realized today Saturday 4 of March.
Some trees that have been donated by a known and that form part of the collaboration agreement that the Murcia brand has signed with the Consortium of the Greenways of the Region of Murcia.
"This first year we will donate around 800 trees thanks to this agreement, which we want to renew every year," says the partner of the firm, Andrés Aráez, who explains that "this work is framed in the philosophy of solidarity of the brand, Which has already led us to collaborate with entities such as AFADECA and ASSIDO and ABAMUR. "
To this day of coexistence and reforestation of the environment have been the manager of the Consortium, Juan Soria, and the mayor of Alguazas, Blas Ruipérez.
"The trees are native species and others of edible fruits, such as pomegranates, fig trees, etc., and are being planted both in the sections that run the users as in the rest areas, providing vegetable mass and shade spaces to the area "Said Soria, who said that" the next planting will take place in Campos del Rio, the second town to benefit from these donations. "
Source: Agencias