The PSRM-PSOE secretary general Diego Conesa has seen first hand this morning with Mª José Pérez, mayor of Campos del Río, the "shameful" state of the RM-531 highway that links Campos del Río with Alguazas.
"We have crossed the road and verified the deplorable state it is in. It is clear that for the regional government secondary roads are completely forgotten and does not invest in their improvement."
Conesa has joined the neighbors in the concentration they have played this morning, because they understand that the future of the development of the municipality of Campos depends on the improvement of an infrastructure like this.
For this reason, it has urged the regional government not to forget these neighbors and include among its priorities the arrangement of this road, "which seems to be that it is not."
"We believe that it is necessary to change the way of doing politics in this region after so many years of governments of the right and the way to do it is to plan better and taking into account the needs of all citizens, wherever they live."
For the general secretary of the Murcian socialists, the way of making the region in terms of infrastructures requires the implementation of an infrastructure master plan, "with foresight and vision in the medium and long term in order to meet all the existing needs, which they are many, after years of abandonment ".
For her part, the mayor Mª José Pérez once again warned of the danger that it represents for the drivers who circulate daily on this road its deterioration.
Therefore, he called on the regional government not to delay its settlement and abandon the institutional disloyalty.