Over a thousand residents gathered in the Plaza de Paco Serna to enjoy one of the most significant events of the program of festivities in honor of N ª S ª del Carmen.
La Plaza de Paco Serna saw Majas Presentation of the Festival of Barrio del Carmen 2010.
Act which gave the starting signal for a festival that, although affected by the current economic situation remains practically all programming from previous years, due to the enormous effort that the Department of Celebrations, the Party Commission and neighbors have made anonymous.
Las Fiestas del Barrio del Carmen 2010 also presented updates to previous years.
For the already established acts such as La Paella de mi Barrio, the contest "Pilla the Hare", the hiking route III, the Giant Omelette, or the massive parade of floats this year joined the San Fermin Mini, with release of heifer from the C /.
Hernán Cortés to the Plaza de la Libertad or I Tacata Race, where babies compete to be the fastest.
The night began with the departure of pestles holiday last year.
Then paraded around the stage each Majas Children, Carmen María Baños, Gemma Corbalan Esther Fernández, Fifi Lison, and Andrea Loreley Piqueras Meseguer and Youth Majas, Andrea Dolera, Estefanía Hurtado, Inma Martinez, Ana Montero and Toni Peñalver to which was imposed the band Alguazas Mayor, José Antonio Fernández Lladó.
Following the presentation of the pestles, where attendees could view an individual video of each one of them, pestles and guests delighted the audience with a waltz by the band "Southern Star" that entertained the rest of the evening .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas