Luis Lison has been designated by the "Real Academia Alfonso X el Sabio" and the "Royal Spanish Association Official Reporters to represent them in Madrid.
The official historian of Alguazas, Lison Luis Hernandez will participate as a speaker at the "Third Conference on Heraldry and Municipal Vexillology."
In this way, attendees can enjoy his paper entitled "The Legend City in the Region of Murcia: Past, present and future."
The event is organized by the Spanish Confederation of Local Study Centres (CECEL), the Royal Academy of Heraldry and Genealogy Matritense and the Spanish Institute for Studies Nobility (Hidalgo of Spain).
The conference will be held at the headquarters of the center of Humanities and Social Council for Scientific Research in Madrid, during the first week of this coming November.
Luis Lison has been chosen by the "Real Academia Alfonso X the Wise" and "Real Official Spanish Association of Writers," and who is a specialist in the field and a member of both institutions, to represent them in the aforementioned conference.
It is also the author of over thirty projects shields and flags for municipalities of Alicante and Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas