The municipal groups and the Socialist People's Alguazas council unanimously approved a proposal from the PP a motion to support the people of the Sahara.
This initiative of the Municipal People's Party was supported unanimously by members of the Municipal Corporation, gathered on Thursday in regular plenary.
"Before the attacks is still under the Saharan population, which has seen even the loss of human lives and the situation of growing tension in Western Sahara ...", this motion calls to "defend a peaceful and consistent with existing international law .... "
Similarly the proposal also affects the recognition of the Saharawi people their civil and political rights is demanded of the Government of Spain to mediate in the conflict resolution process, to thereby ensure the utmost respect for human rights.
The motion, which strongly condemns acts of violence against this people and especially the death of some of these citizens in the events recorded in the past few days, also shows the strongest solidarity and sympathy with the families of the victims, one of which, of Spanish nationality, took up residence in this town alguaceña.
Finally, we will refer to this agreement to the President of Argentina, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and vice-chairmen of the Central Government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, and parliamentary speakers of the Parliament.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas