CCOO mourns the death of a worker in the accident this morning in the company VECONSA in Alguazas, which also seriously injured another worker.
The union conveys his condolences to the families of two workers.
CCOO will request that both the prosecution and the Labour Inspectorate will research what happened, but also on working conditions that exist in similar companies.
CCOO said that, according to information available, the accident occurred when repairing a tank containing a Acito used for cogeneration of electricity.
As reported by the Occupational Health responsible for CCOO, José Cánovas, this type of work, "the parent company is obliged to carry out risk assessment that may involve the workplace and in the event that such risk exists eliminate it. "
Along with the outsourcing company are required to coordinate prevention activities and determine whether they have sufficient training to perform certain tasks that entail obvious risks.
If everything has been done as stated in the legislation, says Canovas, "is almost impossible to produce this type of accident."
For the union official, this type of situations occur in certain business sectors that they consider investing in risk prevention as an expense, which brings us to that so far this year there have been 24 accidents, in addition to slide down a increasingly steep slope configuration of labor relations and the resulting third-economic and social decline.
CCOO will urgently request that the prosecution and the Labour Inspectorate open investigations into working conditions and safety of workers in this company and the like.
Source: CCOO Región de Murcia