The mayor agreed to the negotiations of the opposition to redraft the text and imposed consensus solo |
When it looked like Alguazas would return to an extended budget, the mayor called, with two full-days to approve the Budget for the year 2012, which amounts to 6,035,823.44 euros.
Moreover, the commission called informative 45 minutes before the plenary session, for there not to leave any agreement.
After more than an hour and a half of negotiations Finance Committee, the PP refused to modify what UXA asked.
Our political group said it would reject budgets or to criticize, but to approve budgets that are good for the people.
But the mayor refused to give solo and adopted the General Budget of 2012, without the support of opposition groups, who launched pathways critical to the way of working of the government team and the text written.
Unity for Alguazas clearly requested to renegotiate the budget, but the mayor could not.
In addition, it introduced an amendment to increase certain items as "subsidies to sports clubs" or "youth activities" and, in turn, reduce items as "publicity and propaganda," "Diets of elected officials" and "voluntary sports" .
Finally, the proposals were rejected and went to the full.
UXA spokesman, José Gabriel Garcia Bernabe, criticized the holding time of the session as "just want to hold the debate and the assistance of neighbors to a topic such significance for the people have."
He then made reference and citation to the harsh and abrupt cuts the PP has been carried out on all budget items.
The mayor's autocracy led him to interrupt our spokesman when he did not like what he said, while he left without finishing his speech.
Once again, the mayor denied the work of the opposition, breaking the law again.
Hard cuts in education, health, culture and social services
"63% of the income you have the budget are the contributions of all residents through taxes and rates, and we are not going to consent is that the pay rise and cut services and activities to people," Garcia said Barnabas.
The opposition criticized the rigor zero when budget cuts in the budgets, because the necessary cut and left the really dispensable.
These budgets adversely affect the people, while benefiting those who write them, because the PP has increased the provision for "government bodies", which is spread over 65,875.60 euros in salaries of council members, 17886.26 euros secretary of the mayor, $ 3,000 in advertising and propaganda and 3,000 in expenses.
And, moreover, about 25,404 euros allowances to be distributed among the councilors.
Also, our spokesman reminded the government team increased their salaries by 60% at the start of term.
The items most affected by cuts in PP have been education, culture, celebrations, social and health services.
In addition, our spokesman cited a few cuts that are inadmissible as cultural activities that go from 65,000 to 11.500 Euros, youth activities going from 40,960 to 8500 euros, seniors activities going from 10327.60 to 3000 euros, activities of women rising from EUR 33,779.90 to 5000 Holy Week from 18,000 to 7,200 euros.
Another very critical part of our group is aimed at sports clubs grants to nonprofit, which has been reduced from 17,800 to 6800 euros.
Our spokesman blasted the sports council, "a people with pathetic sports facilities and promoting the sport, can not cut aid to those who really encourages the sport, this will alguaceños increasingly fewer opportunities to practice with a activity, and is due to the ineptitude of the PP ".
In the education, our spokesman criticized not collect aid for students who have fewer resources and recriminations that there was no budget line for repairs to public schools.
The municipal investment is reduced by more than 85% and debt interest occupy 7%
But the most disturbing and UXA was criticized for that part to investments in the municipality.
"This is probably the town of Murcia region needs more investment by the state" says José Gabriel.
While other municipalities spend about 20% on investments, invest Alguazas only 0.84% ​​of the budget.
That is, a year in which we will not see an improvement or no infrastructure.
Alguazas criticized unit for a year, go to Alguazas stay the same and we continue lagging behind the rest of the municipalities.
Similarly, the PP does not include any measure to pay suppliers and is not fulfilling its electoral promises.
UXA spokesman called for a commitment by the government team to spend only what you enter and leave no debts, but the PP responded with jeers and laughter.
Equally worrying is that 7% of the budget, nearly half a million euros, will only go to pay interest, amortization of delay and bank loans.
Our spokesman took the opportunity to remind the Mayor that this would not have happened if they were not leaving debts.
Therefore, said UXA not support these assumptions.
While there is no waste and invest in future, will not support the measures of PP.
This vote was a major blow to the PP, which did not receive support from PSOE or UXA.
Source: UxA