Students in the public schools of the locality
achieved a creditable record in the finals of the regional meeting
Regional Finals table tennis and chess Sports School Age held this past Saturday, February 2, in the City of Lorca have reflected the high level of play of public school students Alguazas.
While the school's Center "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" were runners-alguaceño by 3 points to 2 - in the regional qualifying beating a fierce struggle with the students of "Pasico Campillo" City of the Sun, the "Monte Anaor" local made brilliant individual performances in chess -7 victories out of ten matches, reaching fourth place in the ranking of teams participating in the Murcia regional final of the modality of Sports School Age.
These good results alguaceños youth in this call autonomic Sports School Age are a continuation of the successful footsteps of other seasons in this regard emphasizing feats of such caliber as harvested by the students of the IES "Alguazas villa" in the year 2010-2011 regional champions were crowned in the form of handball female child, a victory which also would add that achieved by students table tennis also arrived earlier in the 2011-2012 season to the bronze category in the final autonomic.
The allocation of human and technical resources as well as enabling municipal infrastructure well equipped by the competent Department of the City of Alguazas has meant that, for example, in the present academic year 2012-2013, the Programme of Sports School Age, driven by the Department of Physical Activity and Sport Regional Government in close collaboration with the Local Sports Council and schools of the municipality, has good prospects of success and thus, under participation of more than 300 1 in every 4 students of the school population, 20% of young people in the previous season, have signed up to this initiative autonomic wide projection.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas