Some thirty high school students in the town
compete for championships of both types of sport
The "Add and Follow" Alguazas has launched a new proposal to the revitalization and participation of young population segment of the municipality and this time it has two separate programming racquetball and tennis championships, in the morning of last Saturday , Feb. 16, has fought thirty high school students in the town's sports center facilities alguaceño.
A tennis match male individual category and a racquetball league or mixed pairs has faced young IES "Villa de Alguazas" and CES "Vega Media" in some competitions, peer mediators and coordinated by the "Add and Follow "local, culminating with the awards ceremony for the winners as well as diplomas to each and every one of the participating students, students aged between 13 and 17 years.
-In the "Add and Follow" Alguazas are the same young people who scheduled and organized activities
What makes this striking or original cast of activities "Sum and Keep" alguaceño, completely free for users, is that young people themselves are responsible for programming them, organize and manage their development, all under the coordination of a technical or mediator assigned to the Youth Council of Local Consistory.
The "Add and Follow" Alguazas came 4 years ago in order to promote the values ​​of integration, coexistence and social cohesion of local youth and since then, more than two dozen initiatives carried out, is addressed to all students from first to fourth year of ESO who are staying enrolled in schools in the county (the only requirement to be an active member of this participatory program) with the new in this edition of final year students said, pioneers in this experience when launched, pregraduated the development of the activities undertaken.
In the words of the head of the Department that sponsors with human, technical and material the "Add and Follow", Joaquín López Verdú, "is grateful for the work being done by the mediators of this program and getting some primary goals is that young people relate and know how to value teamwork and the benefits of forming a cohesive group to practice healthy and educational bets as sport or leisure. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas