What began a few years ago as child's play to represent the Passion and Death of Jesus, has become a benchmark for Easter Alguazas.
The Parish Church of San Onofre in the town is the place to start this particular Via Crucis performers under their children.
In the afternoon of Friday, February 22, was a large crowd in the streets adjacent to the temple Parish.
Many families brought their children for this procession.
In it pursues several objectives, firstly to train youngsters in the Life and Work of Jesus Christ and the other to implement the lessons of catechesis, therefore, almost all children attending this year will perform First Communion.
The Stations of the Cross path means and symbolism of this courtship was explained by the Pastor Carlos Vicente Molina Lopez.
Later, the children, with large numbers of men and women by way of spectators, marched in procession to interpret then the 12 stations.
In the Via Crucis child's various characters, including Jesus, San Juan, Angel, Judas, Peter, Mary and various executioners, the Jews, the Romans, the people and the narrator, the parish priest of San Onofre.
The narrator begins by commenting on the birth of Jesus, proclaiming that he was born in Bethlehem and was the Savior of the world.
Later, expresses the passion, death and resurrection is the most essential part of your life then describe the Stations of the Cross that, with skill and devotion, would be staged by children, divided into 14 groups, attending this year catechesis.
In this particular representation of the Passion and Death of Christ Easter in Alguazas proseguiráa 19 pm this coming Friday, March 1, with the traditional besapié to Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas