Since the City of Alguazas renegotiate / amend last October contract for the provision of public waste collection and street cleaning since 2006 in the municipality undertakes CESPA as concessionaire, resulting in annual savings now more than 104,000 euros, the work of washing containers are optimized based on this rationalization actions in developing monthly during seasons of spring, autumn and winter and fortnightly in the summer season thus reaching a totality of 15 washes per year of all containers for separate collection of waste (packaging and paper) and residual fraction (usually container).
Since last November the service is performed after the collection of waste, making their task immediately after placement of containers, thus prevents any new waste deposited to prevent the operation.
The actions of laundering and containers along alguaceño municipal width is performed using a vehicle suitable for this purpose and equipped with load which allows thorough cleaning (interior and exterior) of the containers.
This truck lavacontenedor is a computer, by means of lifting cargo containers and makes available to the action of water under pressure to produce starting disinfectant and washing of waste containers.
The clean water necessary for the operation occupies half of the tank of the equipment installed in the vehicle and the other half is reserved for deposition of dirty water from the washing.
Notably, this full-service container washing normally held the first and third Monday of each month, covering this benefit primarily the urban and populous districts, then the Barrio del Carmen and the industrial estates of the population if such shares are subject to change due to inclement weather or adjustments or other service needs.
This measure of rationalization / cost reduction in one of the basic priority services under municipal jurisdiction and also not increase the tax burden on residents, as in the tasks of washing containers, not a drop will not benefit as For example, home collection of municipal solid waste that had been developed to date in night time in the inner city, districts and industrial parks is done since last November, Monday to Saturday, from 6 o'clock in the morning ( a new morning schedule and route designed into consideration at the beginning of school and work activity of the population and to avoid nuisance to neighbors).
Meanwhile, street cleaning will continue on two fronts: manually sweep Monday through Saturday, from 7:10 to 13:15 pm-mechanical scanning in the same conditions as those outlined for the sweep manually, mechanical flushing cleaning bins and posters; reinforcements Cleaning fairs and festivals as needed.
Another service remains selective collection of packaging, paper and cardboard containers both surface and underground groups, located in the street, and in the Municipal Ecoparque-free for neighbors-not to mention the continuation of this provision containers on one day a week in addition to the districts that make up the territory alguaceño (taunts, The Top Spot and Huerta).
The advantage of this public contract renegotiation reached by the City Council with the company Alguazas CESPA, through an audit and analysis of cost trends continue performing annually, has also alleged continuous improvement and other activities and services such as regarding the collection of those furniture and fixtures both home and abandoned in public, periodic campaigns of cleanliness and health of scuppers, cleaning of solid waste containers (every 15 washes per year), providing Up to 39 containers of 20 liters capacity for the collection of batteries and the collection of dead animals that are on public roads, within a maximum of six hours, and later disposal.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas