UXA economic sacrifice to ask local politicians to provide better resources Alguazas's neighbors, and help the most vulnerable to this crisis.
They also seek to increase aid to clubs and Easter.
With the only positive vote of PP, on January 31 will be initially approved the 2013 Budget for the City of Alguazas.
Alguazas Unit by its resounding rejection showed that the unreasonable budget increased spending items and tax increase measures recourse to the neighbors.
Furthermore, UXA spokesman stressed that, as every year, the game led to local politicians suffers no rebate.
"As citizens we demand solutions, you are a raise" is how García Barnabas condemns the attitude of the government team to the front of the hall.
And at such despotism, more typical of absolutist, dictatorial regimes which oppressed the opposition, UXA has objected to Budget 2013.
In the claims, UXA proposes a cut of EUR 230,288.76 totally unnecessary expenditure items to be earmarked for those items that directly serve social care and neighborhood participation, and encourage investment in the town.
Among the items considered most unnecessary independents, is proposing to cut spending on telecommunications, and knowing that the PP councilors mobile enjoy this check to City Hall, and also cut the expenditure for politicians.
"We need a democratic regeneration, and we must start with the politicians" says José Gabriel García Barnabas.
Thus, UXA PP requests the secretary to withdraw the charges currently 17,886.26 euros for wearing the mayor's agenda, having released only two councilors, besides the mayor, and remove the compensation to elected office for attending organs colleges, which include independent councilors.
In social services, we propose the creation of a social aid fund, endowed with 20,000 euros, to meet and collaborate on the most vulnerable economies in our town, not to mention those who are unemployed with dependent children , older people without resources and other situations of need.
In this sense, UXA highlights that there is no basis for such meet social needs.
Therefore, in the area of ​​education, aid to encourage city council to expand this game to 5,000 euros.
We note that this item has been cut by 74% since 2011, when it had a total of 9,000 euros.
It also creates a new game, for scholarships and grants for school supplies for those families less susceptible to the preparation of the school their children, this fund was endowed with 12,000 euros.
And finally, in this chapter, you double the budgeted investment in public primary schools, going from 7,000 to 14,000 euros, to provide well, better facilities and conditions of classrooms and other facilities for next school year school.
These allegations also propose enabled citizen participation and leisure.
First, highlight the extension until the 23,000 euros of the line to sports entities subsidies; sports clubs have their grants cut by 62% since 2011, and this is causing considerable problems in the functioning of these clubs who watch , non-profit, professional sports by our youth.
And, on the other hand, emphasize the promotion of Holy Week as a source of tourism and promotion of our town, thus encouraging the open file on it to his statement of regional attractions, the Board of guilds, with the consequent benefit of the Guilds Bands and Music, have been reduced this section by 48% in recent years, so it is proposed an amount of 25,000 euros, compared to 9400 budget.
And finally, is planning to increase spending on investments, which have fallen disproportionately in recent years (92% since 2001).
With these arguments it is intended to encourage investment necessary and urgent in our town.
As such, we note the remodeling and refurbishment of public gym time for leisure and sporting enjoyment of local residents, the conditioning and sewage of the most susceptible of rain in the Barrio del Carmen to prevent flooding at the entrance underground tunnel, and finally, the design of the locker rooms, bleachers, scoreboard and other Soccer Field San Lorenzo.
UXA also wanted to emphasize that in recent years, fiscal policy has been based on PP raise rates and taxes, and that's what we have experienced this past year: 6% rise in the IBI, increase all rates for sports, rising from 13% of potable water rates, increased occupancy rates for road reserves and cemetery services copay in telecare and home care, ...
UXA expected positive vote PP and PSOE to take forward these claims, because it is the only way forward in our town and show the public that politicians are to serve the people.
Source: UxA