before a large audience
The words of the eminent physician and devout experiences filled with excitement
the Parish Church of San Onofre in the town
Since its sincere Christian vision at the same exemplary neighbor and keen social life of his native town Alguazas, cardiologist Eduardo Pinar read the Proclamation of Easter 2013 in the town on the night of this past Saturday, 16 March, in the Parish Church of San Onofre population.
The iconic church was a scenario that, recording a large number of people made up of officials, members of the nine fraternities passion flowers that make up the Board of Fraternities that groups, neighbors and visitors and being entertained with a performance by the Band of Bugles and Drums "Virgen del Carmen" the district's namesake town, witnessed some words of the eminent physician alguaceño with feeling of excitement and illustrating a wealth of experience and unique portraits of popular religious expression that are the processions of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ through the streets of this town.
By unanimous agreement of the Board of Fraternities and Brotherhoods Pasionarias Alguazas, Eduardo Pinar was appointed Crier Easter 2013 in his hometown in response to this his noble human spirit, his extraordinary personal qualities.
Eduardo Pinar, Bachelor and Doctor of Medicine from the University of Murcia, completed his training for 5 years in the Hospital General Universitario de Murcia, for Cardiology Specialist since 1997.
The illustrious doctor alguaceño began working in 1998 as a cardiologist at the University Hospital "Virgen de la Arrixaca" of Murcia, where Center since 2008 Head of Catheterization-Interventional Cardiology Cardiology Department.
Also, Eduardo Pinar is Master in Bioethics from San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia and European Society member, Spanish and Murciana of Cardiology, also part-for several years-Board of Catheterization of the Spanish Cardiology.
My Catholic Easter 2013 Alguazas has participated in several research projects and university teaching, and since 2006 Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Murcia.
Linked from childhood to Alguazas Easter, Eduardo Pinar has taken an active part in their celebrations and processions, especially as veteran brother of the Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus.
Social concerns also led the cardiologist alguaceño a member of Caritas Parish in his hometown.
Alguazas Holy Week in by your statement as Regional Tourist Interest.
With this solemn event reading his Proclamation, Easter 2013 Alguazas, shown as an icon on your poster with a picture holder Local Brotherhood of the Holy Christ tied to the Column, configuring officially opens for business as another edition of the most enlightened identity of the municipality and that has been materializing every day in his class at the regional and national level to strengthen its presence in the media or with grants supporting the efforts and work of the various guilds and brotherhoods processional population without ignoring the request of the Consistory to the competent regional government for the municipality celebrations reach passionflowers statement Regional Tourist Interest.
This is a great event that every year more and going to great lengths not to excel.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas