Antonio Sanchez and Angel Gallego Victoria Valera Lopez
representatives of these brotherhoods,
disclosed in the local station
preparations for the processions
The splendor and desire to improve every year in one of the most massive and unique expressions of the town of Alguazas as Holy Week is due to the constant and transmitted from one generation to develop the ten Brotherhoods Pasionarias Township.
Thousands of neighbors alguaceños integrate these guilds that at this time prior to the processions of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ are prepared to detail these manifestations of devotion, of popular culture that appeal to the contemplation of its steps of thrones and images many viewers, a significant part thereof, visitors.
The calendar of processions to be held shortly, the long history that has made the brotherhoods alguaceñas intrinsic part of the identity of the town, the daily work of the vortex and tuning of these Fraternities and delivery of their Nazarenes and pallbearers towards the majesty and beauty of Easter ranked as one of the most picturesque and unique geography of Murcia have been the most important topics covered in about thirty minutes interview this afternoon of Thursday, March 21 in the weekly "Speaking with ..." 87.7 FM Radio Alguazas both the President of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Blood of the town, Antonio Sanchez Angel Gallego, as the Vice President of the Brotherhood of the Samaritan and Our Lord of the Pit, also of the population, Victoria Valera Lopez.
While the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Blood, Holy Thursday procession that night and Friday morning, holds the honor of being the oldest town Brotherhood alguaceño to have her title holder with a devotion that goes back at least to seventeenth century, that of the Samaritan and the Pit Lord, born in 1956 in the Barrio del Carmen populous and parading Good Friday and Easter Sunday, is one of the entities more devout alguaceñas passionflowers and members.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas