The Department of Education Alguazas City Council has launched a package of aid to purchase textbooks.
These grants are aimed at students of the municipality that can not benefit from bonus-book that gives the Ministry of Education or the loan system that the Department was launched in 2005.
The Ministry of Education of the CARM offers students of 1, 2 and 3 Primary Bond-Book from 100 € for their part, students 1 and 2 of secondary enjoy an aid of 150 € Thus, the Department of Education Alguazas City Council has launched Municipal Bond-book covering the remaining compulsory courses, except for 5 and Primary 6, which are still covered by the system imposed by the previous loan corporation.
This loan system was retained by the current government, despite the many difficulties it has presented, to thus repay the investment and will disappear at the same time they are replaced textbooks.
The purpose of these grants is to mitigate the costs of beginning the school year alguaceñas families.
The council decided at the beginning of the legislature to create checks redeemable for books at local bookstores.
This year, assistance is given to courses 4 of primary and 3 and 4 of ESO, the same amount as the Bond-Book Advisory: 100 € to elementary students and 150 € for the secondary.
In total 113 students in 4 of Elementary will benefit from an aid of 100 € The loan system will meet the needs of textbooks for 204 students in grades 5 and Primary 6.
Secondary, 150 students aged 3 and 4, from the two schools in the locality, Vega CES Media and IES Villa de Alguazas, will receive a check for 150 €
The 1,242 students of primary and secondary alguaceños belonging to the municipality's public schools have benefited from some assistance for textbooks.
These students must add alguaceños students who study at ESO in the only school in the town: Vega CES Media, of which 34 of them benefit from the Municipal Bond-Book.
The Department of Education will invest € 36,800 in aid
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas