The Full Council of Alguazas held on Monday 27 October, unanimously adopted a motion filed jointly by both political parties in calling on the Constitutional Committee of the Congress of Deputies, all the parliamentary groups of the Congress and Senate, and the government of Spain against the proposed amendment of the Statute of Castilla la Mancha, which directly affects the region of Murcia to pretend it expiration date to the Tajo-Segura.
The motion approved today was signed by Isabel Zamora Palacios, spokesman for the Municipal People's Party and Ruipérez Blas Angel Peñalver, Municipal spokesperson of the Socialist Party, and is as follows:
1 .- To express outright rejection of the City Council the draft amendment of the Statute of Castilla La Mancha, as this is clearly unconstitutional and undermining the unity of Spain and against the general interests of all Spanish citizens.
2 .- Alguazas City Council believes that the solution to the structural deficit in the Segura basin must, in addition to good water management conducted in the Segura basin, in the maintenance and consolidation of the Tajo-Segura to ensure adequate flow of contributions for the purposes of this basin, and basin water transfers surplus, ensuring environmental sustainability and viability of our economic development.
3 .- The City Council rejected Alguazas and calls not attended any detrimental request amendment of rules and laws governing the joint use of the Tajo - Segura, regardless of the institution to which he comes.
4 .- To request the legal organs of the Autonomous Community of Murcia and the Government of Spain to issue a report on the constitutionality of certain articles of the draft amendment of the statute of Castilla La Mancha.
5 .- To ratify fully the political manifesto of support for the Ten Commandments of Crisis Committee Segura Basin, approved unanimously by the Regional Assembly.
6 .- To refer this motion to the Constitutional Committee of the Congress of Deputies, all the parliamentary groups of the Congress and Senate, and the Government of Spain.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas