"FE / La Falange de la Vega Media to the absolute neglect of the works in the proposed footbridge over the railway of the Avenida Alfonso X El Sabio in the municipality of Alguazas, which are for four months, publicly denounces and because of complaints that are coming our website by Alguazas neighbors, they see as broken promises are just one of the many tasks that make politicians alguaceños, this time equally between the PSOE and PP, as in the project unfinished and almost begin collaborating regional government of the PP and PSOE's national government through old ADIF RENFE, "report sources of FE / La Falange in the Region of Murcia in a statement.
They add that "what at first was a real declaration of interests, closed three-way between the national government through ADIF, the regional government through Public Works and voice of the exponent of the Mayor City Council Alguazas Lladó Fernández, who said last summer: 'The railway bridge over the Avenida Alfonso X, will before the end of the year with a panoramic walkway which will allow the safe movement of pedestrians, since so far, this step was not authorized Sidewalks pedestrian 'because as you can see all alguaceños lie well within the deadlines, the Mayor of Alguazas get away from the safety of pedestrians in this pathway, is seriously threatening the lives of adolescents who daily the play Alguazas going to institute, along with all pedestrians operators with the abandonment of the works have forsaken of God. "
FE / La Falange Alguazas requires the City Council and administration closer to citizens to "undertake urgent steps to provide the necessary security zone for the free passage of pedestrians, without them having to do physical danger each while trying to move from one area to another Alguazas. "
Demands further that "explain to the people as you can lie in a so explicitly, without deadlines and even demanded from the mayor having the promoters of the project, the reason for his attitude in the abandonment of the works."
Also evident from FE / La Falange, "This is a clear example of how the PSOE and PP politicians defend their partisan interests before those of their neighbors, with the case of PSOE opposition party the most striking, since no has made a claim of this issue. "
Source: FE/La Falange, Región de Murcia