Over 50 people participated in a hiking route to Sierra Espuña, organized by the Department of Alguazas Sports Club in collaboration with the Senderista 'Despacico, that I can not! "
and subsidized by the Ministry of Health, on the occasion of the First Conference on Prevention of Obesity and Diabetes Through Sports.
Participants in this route is divided into two groups, one with the most experienced and one with the newcomers to this sport.
The first group made a path about five hours in which crossed the top of the Espuña, visiting the snow pits and down the walls of Lewis.
The second group covered a 6-mile route starting from The Partridge on the path of the seven brothers to reach the Interpretation Centre Espuña.
This route has been responsible for closing the First Conference on Prevention of Obesity and Diabetes Through Sports.
A conference to be held during the month of November and have had a lecture, among others, the Doctor of Sports Medicine, José Fuentes Serna and daily departures Alguazas Town Hall Square for an hour routes by different routes in the locality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas