Inform young people about the programs developed by the Institute of Youth in the Region of Murcia.
That is the purpose of Info van, a vehicle made a stop at the Media Institute of Alguazas Vega CES.
This is the first year this school alguaceño participates in the program "Youth Correspondent" and for this reason has been visited by the Info van.
Throughout the day a technician from the Institute of Youth in the Region of Murcia has informed the young people of all activities you can participate.
All Media Vega CES students have known in their own center, the activities of the Institute for Youth, activities that range from language courses abroad to travel to the snow over the next few weekends.
All this, and more information is available on the website
So far the info van is visiting schools that have joined this year's program "Youth Correspondents' then come to the centers that joined the program in previous years.
So while there are not yet a specific date, is scheduled to visit the Institute Info van Alguazas villa along this school year.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas