'The Moorish princess' of molinense Victoriano García Guillén has been the winning of the First Literary Short Story Competition' Stories in the Old Tower. "
The competition, in this first edition, has been organized by the Cultural Association "Amigos de la Torre 'and has been a jury of 5 members of the association, which has chosen the winning story.
'The Moorish princess', as explained by its author, is a story that is mixed in the present Tower of the Old Spot with ancient legends have always revolved around this monument.
One of them is ensuring that there is a secret passageway that underground and below the Segura River, connects the neighborhood of El Castillo de Molina de Segura with this Tower.
The award ceremony was chaired by the Councillor for Culture Alguazas, Isabel Zamora and President of the Cultural Association "Amigos de la Torre ', Don Antonio Matencio.
After the award the writer Carmen Sabater, who was also a teacher in the school uniform of The Spot for the 60, gave a lecture in which he explained the many experiences that will join the Old Tower of The Spot, a monument since 1985 has been declared as a Cultural.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas