The Plenary Hall of the City of Alguazas has been the scene for the presentation of diplomas to 46 students over the past months, have attended the courses Alguazas home help, Protocol for Secretaries and Window Dressing.
Alguazas Mayor, José Antonio Fernández Lladó and the Councillor for Employment and Training, Isabel Zamora, have been responsible for delivering these diplomas.
The course home help has had a total of 20 students, all unemployed, and has been funded by the Institute for Women and the European Social Fund.
It has learned, primarily, the way we should go for dependents, from how asearles or move them to how to feed them, talk to them and help them be more self-esteem.
The course of Protocol Secretariats, with a total of 30 hours and has been funded by the Employment Service and Training through the European Social Fund.
He was attended by 12 students, of which 40% were unemployed and the remaining 60% were working.
Finally, we have also delivered the diplomas to 14 students in the class of window dressing.
A course aimed solely at self-employed persons and their families has been provided from November 30 to December 16 and has been funded by the Employers Federation of Commerce of the Region of Murcia, EMCF.
Currently in the town are being developed courses, completely free, such as plumbing, the Assistant Leisure and Recreation and Informatics.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas