The Tales of Alguazas Account, which were held during 2009 in the Municipal Library Alguazas, organized by the Department of Culture, have been completed and have done a very special way.
And, Christmas has been the star of last Storytelling this year.
The drama group 'Theatre spell' was in charge of counting the smaller number of stories about Christmas.
One of them has had starring Befana, a magical fairy who visits the homes of children from Italy the night of 5 to January 6, riding her broom to leave gifts and sweets, they have been good, or charcoal, if have misbehaved.
After completing Storytelling, children participated in a workshop that made balloon figures.
This has been the last on account of the year but this activity will return next January 14 at the Municipal Library of Alguazas.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas