The year 2009 comes to an end and before welcoming the new year should reflect and take stock of the twelve months to which we say goodbye, as well as pose challenges for the coming future.
In Alguazas, the result has been obtained is positive, since it has been a year in which the council has worked hard to improve the situation of the municipality.
Throughout these 365 days have made important works, some political promises, which have improved the situation in which the town was.
During 2009 major works were carried out as has been the construction of storm deposit, the cost has been funded at 100 per 100 for the CARM, the removal of architectural barriers in the Plaza Enrique Tierno Galván and underground or open its doors after refurbishment, the pool in summer.
The completion of the pedestrian walkway, which will facilitate the transit through the Avenida Alfonso X and the resurfacing of more than 30 streets in the Barrio del Carmen are some of the work done by the local executive.
Recently, it has opened the new headquarters of the Local Police and Civil Protection, which has improved the situation where they were and that this body has given its own space in which to develop their work.
In a year marked by rising unemployment in all sectors and the economic crisis, the City Council has opted for training as a step towards finding a job.
Therefore, from the Department of Employment and Training has made several such courses for unemployed people who mostly.
Educational level also highlight the construction of the Center for Child Care, which has expanded the supply of places that had so far in the municipality.
In addition, reforms in the facilities in two schools with which the locality, CEIP CEIP Monte Anaor and Nuestra Señora Del Carmen.
The sport has been one of the bets of the City, promoting the sport basis, or assuming the management of sports schools soccer.
We also wanted to support young people by organizing activities for them and with the signing of agreement on which gives them a space to conduct business.
And all these jobs have been possible without the alguaceños will assume an additional cost, since the autonomous region has been responsible for funding almost all of the various actions carried out.
But despite these improvements, the Town Hall continues its work and will continue to work and alguaceños Alguazas.
To this end, plans to invest in education with the reform of the Infant School Reina Sofia, social level, the start of Day Care Center and the construction of an Early Childhood Center.
The construction of a wastewater treatment plant and a new center drive are some of the objectives set by local executive element for next year.
The adequacy of the Northwest Greenway passes through the town, the building of a youth hostel next to the new headquarters of the local police, the construction of a swimming pool in the town and the redevelopment of the country's road are some projects for 2010.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas