The nearly 400 students from the IES Villa de Alguazas are attending some lectures on road safety, taught by local police officers in the municipality.
The theme of the lectures varies depending on the age of the students.
So the students from the 1 º and 2 º ESO explains what the functions of the local police, while the 3 rd and 4 th of ESO receive information on regulations and permits for mopeds and motorcycles.
Finally, the talk that is given to students of 1 º and 2 º de Bachillerato revolves around the radar and breathalyser test.
These talks are repeated annually between Alguazas school with a dual purpose: on one hand to convey to young people in skills on those aspects of road safety that affect them directly, and another, closer to the figure of the Police Local.
Local Police will give this talk Alguazas IES Villa de Alguazas for three days.
In recent weeks Vega CES Media students have also attended lectures on road safety and school CEIP CEIP Monte Anaor and Our Lady of Mount Caramel have received practical and theoretical classes of Driver Education.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alguazas